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Gum Disease-Causes, Symptoms, Solutions

Gum Disease is a condition in which the patient is suffering from sore, swollen or infection in their gum. It is less common in children as compared to adults in the UK. Most people experience this condition once in a Month in the United Kingdom.

Some Symptoms Of Gum Disease

  • Bleeding Gums
  • Bad Breath
  • Loose Teeth
  • Deep Pockets between Teeth and Gums

Gum Disease can be very disastrous for anyone, as one can loose their tooth if not treated on time.
There are two types of Gum Disease :

  • Gingivitis
  • Periodontitis

1.Gingivitis : Gingivitis is a condition which occurs in early stage of gum disease infection, it is prior to periodontitis. In this plaque along with bacteria starts building, which causes bleeding and inflammation of gums. You can also experience bleeding while brushing. When gingivitis is not treated, it will turns into its advance transformation periodontitis.
2.Periodontitis: A person suffering from periodontitis have an inner gap layer between gums and teeth. This inner gap layer have small pockets which will filled with debris (foreign items like food pieces), which causes infection in gums. A clear layer of plague is produced and collected on teeth. This layer contains various toxins, our enzymes are fighting with them in order to recover their effect without any foreign help. The bone and connective of gum that holds the teeth in his place is broken down and the pockets will become more deepen which causes a huge destructive impact on gum and bone. When this process reaches its peak, the tooth will loose its holding strength and tooth loss happen.
Hence these are the diseases whom patient is suffered. Now we Know about why scaling and root planing is necessary.

Why Scaling and Root Planing is Necessary for Patient of Gum Diseases

It is one of best method to cure gum diseases. As we stated above a patient suffering from gum disease is having a thin film layer of bacteria called plague. When we eat food, tiny particles of food covers outer layer of our teeth. These bacteria of plaque survive on these tiny food particles, they eat them and produces acids which de-flourish the outer covering layer of tooth called enamel. This causes weaken of tooth and causes tooth decay. Some deep pockets will also originate in between teeth and gum. As this problem get older, the plague will also start collecting in the downside situated deepen pockets of gum. The plague collected in these deep pockets cannot be removed easily just by regular brushing.


If this gum diseases get known early to patient and deep pockets are not created only scaling is required, otherwise if deep pockets are created scaling and root planing both may needed.
First Our Dentist perform a professional dental cleaning in which they remove plague and tartar (the harden plague covering that builds up above and below the teeth), it can only be removed by Professional Dental Cleaning as it lies above and below the gumline. If our dentist find out that you are having some kind of gum disease, they will let you know and suggest twice a year or more dental cleanings. Don’t get worried if our dentist suggests you to have more dental cleanings as dental cleaning is a preventive measure, it doesn’t mean that you are suffering from some chronic gum disease.


So there if our dentist finds that you are suffering from some kind of gum disease we treat it with Scaling (non-periodontal therapy of deep cleaning). Our dentist will clean plague and tartar which is situated below & above the gumline, by removing it using a handheld metal tool known as dental scaler. It is a non-surgical method and performed with local anesthetic. Once the scaling is performed the pockets will be smoothen(planing). This technique is known as root planing. The smoothening of rough deepen pockets, makes the surface of gums clean and this makes the reattachment of gum with teeth unchallenging.

How Scaling and Root Planing is Performed?

This is an outpatient procedure. You just need to schedule one or more appointments with us, depending on patient to patient case to case how many appointments it require.

Our dentist give a anesthesia shot to decrease your sensitivity while carrying out the periodontal procedure. It will lessen your discomfort, for more information contact our dentist.
First we carried out scaling after that root planing is performed. In scaling the plaque and tartar will be removed from the deep pockets developed between the area of teeth and gum using a metal tool called Dental Scaler. Our dentist will insert this thin metal tool in the lower region of gum line where plaque is situated, as this is the region can’t be accessed with brush.

Sometimes we also operate using an ultrasonic scaling instrument, it has a vibrating metal tip along with a combination of cool water spray. The metal tip tear away the tartar with vibrations and the water flushes the it from pockets. In further proceeding, root planing is counted. Root plaining is done in same manner as we perform Scaling. A sweep on gum where pockets lies is done using Planer Tool, it smooths the surface of gum root so that gums can easily reattach to teeth properly.
The above-described procedure is non-surgical. It is carried out only if the patient has nominal gum disease and their teeth are not unhealthy to an extent at which they become irreparable.
Extreme Cases of Gum Diseases can only be treated using surgical methods Some of them are Flap Surgery or pocket reduction surgery, soft tissue grafts, bone grafts, bone surgery and guided tissue regeneration.

After Treatment

1. Teeth scaling and root Planing can take one to four treatment sessions. You can discuss it with our dentists how this whole procedure will be carried out and how many times you have to come clinic for treatment.
2. A patient can resume their Oral Care Procedures after Scaling and Root Planing Treatment. In this we recommend you brush your teeth minimum two times once in the morning and once before going to bed. Also, have a balanced healthy diet and have a regular dental cleaning session once in every 3 to 4 months.
3. Avoid smoking if you smoke and also stay away from tobacco products. Smoking can harm your health.
Risk/ Side Effects

There are no risks in scaling and root planing treatment. But some uncomfortable situations can like:

1. You may have an infection, that’s why our dentist can prescribe some antibiotics or a special mouthwash which you need to use for a few days.
2. You may suffer from mild fever.
3. You can also experience some pain and mild-moderate sensitivity or tenderness in gums for a few days.

Don’t Worry if any problem arises our dentist will always there for you with our emergency dentist service. Contact us anytime on 020 8017 5869 if you feel any of above-stated side effects.

There are no risks in scaling and root planing treatment. But some uncomfortable situations can like:

1.We recommend to Patient that he/she tells our dentist all his/her medical history as one can suffer with heart infection called endocarditis if patient have a pre-treatment heart surgeries and problems. So be aware and share all information with dentist.
2.Teeth Scaling for Diabetic Patients can be harmful so please make aware your pre-medical history with our dentist.

Contact us to book an appointment or to find out more.


Is scaling and root planing uncomfortable?

Each and every person has fear about any type of treatment. They think that it will harm them and treatment will cause some side effects. So I want to ensure you that, the level of discomfort you may feel during the procedure will vary depending on the severity of your condition. If necessary, your dentist may offer you a local anaesthetic to make you more comfortable.

How will I feel after the treatment?

Once any anesthetic has worn off, you might experience discomfort for a couple of days, as well as sensitive teeth and swollen gums that may bleed. Patients can manage any discomfort with over-the-counter painkillers.

Your dentist may provide you with an antibacterial mouth rinse to use following the procedure. Ensure you follow the instructions on the label, as well as any other aftercare advice your dentist gives you.

How many times will I need scaling and root planing?

Root planing is done in one to four sessions with regular maintenance intervals to treat the condition and will be discussed and decided with your dentist to best stabilise the disease.
At your follow-up appointment, your dentist will measure your gum pockets again and compare to the previous measurement for improvement of the disease. If they are still enlarged, you may need a second round of treatment or other treatment options.