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All you need to know about mouth cancer

Early detection of mouth cancer can save lives. That’s why, when you book a dental examination with Banning Dental Practice, your dentist will also check the soft tissues in your mouth for anything unusual that could indicate the onset of mouth cancer.
Mouth cancer

Mouth cancer — also known as oral cancer — occurs when a tumor develops in the mouth. The tongue, inside of the cheeks, gums, roof, and floor of the mouth, the lining of the throat, and the lips can all be affected by mouth cancer. If left untreated, oral cancer can spread to other parts of your body and become life-threatening.
What are mouth cancer symptoms?
In the beginning stages of mouth cancer, it can occur on lip, gums, tongue, inside in cheeks, in the upper mouth or the lower mouth. It has different symptoms like one or more small lumps, or bumps may form on the inside of your lips, tongue, or gums. Other symptoms include persistent mouth sores or unexplained bleeding in your mouth.
As mouth cancer progresses, you may feel discomfort or have difficulty in swallowing. You may notice white or red patches in your mouth or experience soreness, numbness, earache, and even changes in your speech.
With time they may spread inside the mouth and on to other areas of the head and neck or other parts of the body.
What does the right time go to Doctor?

If you have any unusual lesions or lumps that persist for more than two weeks so tell your dentist about this. Dentists also check some other symptoms of mouth cancer. Consistently dental check-ups are crucial in the fight against mouth cancer.
If it has been six months or more since your last dental check-up, please contact us to book an appointment.
Mouth cancer is formed when the cells of the mouth develop changes (mutations) in their DNA, It contains instructions that told the cells what to do. Mutations cause cells to continue to grow and divide when healthy cells die. Accumulating abnormal cancers of the mouth can form a tumor. Over time, they can spread to the mouth in other areas of the head and neck or other body parts.
Mouth cancer usually begins in the squamous cells, the squamous cells that follow your lips and inside your mouth. Most oral cancers are squamous cell carcinoma. It is unclear what basis mutations in the intestinal cells that cause oral cancer. However, some factors are identified by dentist, which are factors of increasing the risk of mouth cancer.
Risk factors
There are some factors which increase the risk of mouth cancer:
1) Use of tobacco like cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, and snuff.

2) Hard use of alcohol

3) Human Papillomavirus (HPV) transmitted sexually

4) A Weak immune system

There is no determine way of prevention mouth cancer; however, it’s risk can be reduced by following some rules:
1) Say no to tobacco if you are habitual of smoking so leave that right now or if you not eat tobacco so don’t think to start it otherwise that can be the reason of bigger harm in mouth cancer.

2) Avoid the sunlight on the lips. Try to protect your lip skin by using cap, umbrella, or mask and use sunscreen lip guard in your daily lifestyle.

3) Try to Avoid Drinking alcohol, uses of alcohol can annoy cells in your mouth, that can become a big cause of mouth cancer. If you chose to drink alcohol than it means you chose mouth cancer for you. Occasionally you can take a drink that is better than have it daily.

4) Go to the dentist regularly, tell your dentist to check the entire mouth and especially abnormal areas that may point out mouth cancer.
There are different treatments for mouth cancer that depend upon the type, stage, and location of cancer. Like
1. Surgery- This treatment is used for initial stages.
2. Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy- Combination of both are used for advanced-stage treatment.
3. Targeted therapy- That is use for initial and advanced stages.
And nutrition is also an essential thing in your treatment, for a healthy nutrition plan you need to discuss your diet with your doctor.
Contact the Banning Dental Practice to find out more about Mouth Cancer or to book a consultation.